Industrial Designer - Concept Artist

Winged Fortress

Added on by Thomas Frobish.

This is my entry to conceptart.orgs weekly contests.  It's an environmental painting of a winged fortress.  I've been learning a lot of new techniques from looking into Daniel Dociu's a work and Sparth.

Portrait Practice

Added on by Thomas Frobish.

I've been trying to get back into painting digitally again.  I didn't know what to paint so I got the idea to paint serial killers from  Painting serial killers brought the idea of painting politicians, they have a lot of subtle details about their face that imply something else going on in their mind.  So far Ive finished two but I'll keep posting more as I finish.

Birthday Present

Added on by Thomas Frobish.

I've been itching to really try and push what I can do with marker.  So instead of making a random image I decided to put that energy towards a birthday present, at least it'll go to good use after I finish "practicing" :P  Anyways this is the picture, it's 11x17 marker caricature.  I need to work on blending the markers a lot more.

Studio desk sketches

Added on by Thomas Frobish.
When taking a break I like to draw on peoples desk.  It's like a weird relaxing thing to just draw cartoon graffiti on peoples desk.  I'll take pictures of the other that I've done but these are some that I've done.  I made the crazy face one today using marker, micron, color pencil for white highlights.  I've been breaking out the makers again to make sure I don't lose my touch :P

Crane Theory Storyboards

Added on by Thomas Frobish.
I was doing some freelance work for a site called Crane Theory found at (

They wanted me to make some storyboards fleshing the first episode of their story.  If you want to learn the story, you should visit the site.

The boards are big enough to fill the screen, just click the previewed image to open the full size.