Industrial Designer - Concept Artist

Filtering by Category: Design

Darth Vader Redesign

Added on by Thomas Frobish.

A redesign concept for Darth Vader.

So what I'm changing is what if Anakin was given the task of redesigning his own repairs instead of Darth Sidious holding him back.  Looking into Darth Vaders problems, or at least as much as I can find on the Star Wars Wiki Pages, Darth Vaders armor was very outdated and designed to hold him back and suppress his power.  To keep him on a leash the Sidious could control.

Darth Vader was incredibly heavy and fought with calculated strikes to compensate for his new heavy body and armor.  Anakin was incredibly fast and agile.  He used his reflexes to get him out of a bad situation rather than calculating the enemies moves.  In the end that was his downfall.

So some ideas with this was Anakin still wanting to hold onto his humanity as much as possibly.  His helmet would open up revealing his face at Anakins will.  Because the suit was pressurized to allow him to breath, Anakins lungs were removed completely, all of his oxygen is received through his body through mechanical air passages.  His heart was badly damaged, his heart was removed completely and replaced with a constant pressure blood pump.  If you were to check his pulse, there would be none.

I don't know why but Jedi loved to throw their robes down when getting into a fight, I figured Anakin would still hold onto his older ways and habits as he was transformed.  To replace his cape, he would retain his robe and hooded stature.  All of that is removed in a fight.

Anakins neck is completely replaced, I'm not sure if in the process his jaw needed to be removed but the idea stuck in my head as something neat, feeding off of Darth Maluk and Razael from Soul Reaver.  Anakin would have projectors installed so when his helmet opens up, his old face would be projected over his head to give some sort of resemblance of normalcy to him.

WTF Ball!?!

Added on by Thomas Frobish.

This is a concept for a revamped ping pong game which is surprisingly really fun and makes a good party game.  It's called WTF Ball!?!  Basically you put two tables together so that the ping pong ball can run along the track.  The object is to push the ping pong ball to the other side while your opponent of opposing team tries to push it back to your side and over the edge of the table.  The thing is you can't touch the ball, you have to fan it acrossed and is very fun and gets everyone really riled up.

Original Concepts for WilsonArt Chair contest

Added on by Thomas Frobish.

WilsonArt Chair Update

Added on by Thomas Frobish.
This is the new research that I've done and brought my idea back up.  I stated back near ground one again and was taking in what you saying on our previous conversation.  The images have descriptions attached to them explaining each page.  The only ones with out a description is the photos I took the mini models.

Design with Emotion

Added on by Thomas Frobish.

I was creating a self promotion poster, something that would look pretty cool either hanging up in the office or just in your room and I realized this also has potential to be a design for me business card too.

"Design with Emotion" is my slogan and the symbol is myself as a robot.  Sounds corny, I know, but the message is how I design something without life to have the qualities of life.

First Time with Hypershot

Added on by Thomas Frobish.
I decided to try out hypershot for the first time on one of my projects and was thoroughly impressed by it.  I was able to make a turn table movie (kind of, I was able to make the individual frames but still had to compile them together which was a pain) and make some pretty awesome environment renderings. (I can't post the video on this blog without upgrading so I'll probably upload it to another site and link it over at some point.)

For the renderings, I found a high res image of a hospital environment (I had to paint out the gurney that was already in there) and used it as a backplate for the image and for the HDR Image (High Dynamic Range) I used the scenery of a kitchen for the lighting and reflections which turned out pretty decent I thought.

The Project was to work with Carestream to help them design a new type of CBCT Scanner.  It's basically an extremity ct scanner.

Some Digital

Added on by Thomas Frobish.
Here's some of the digital painting's I've been practicing with.  I've been trying a lot of new techniques and finding the fastest ways to explain my ideas and I found that digital really is the fastest and overall cheapest way to get it out there.