Industrial Designer - Concept Artist

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Design with Emotion

Added on by Thomas Frobish.

I was creating a self promotion poster, something that would look pretty cool either hanging up in the office or just in your room and I realized this also has potential to be a design for me business card too.

"Design with Emotion" is my slogan and the symbol is myself as a robot.  Sounds corny, I know, but the message is how I design something without life to have the qualities of life.

Zhanglu Style Study

Added on by Thomas Frobish.
So I signed up a class on forum which was basically a 4 hour lecture on feminine beauty.  I thought it was a very helpful class which helped me focus on certain points to practice with.  So far, I've been working so much with hardline, a very graphic style that to make something look realistic, there's basically no line, it's all tones blendid together and not everything is in focus.  Anyways, I've been working on some studies, here's just two of them at the moment, one is a female bust and the other is a disease monster.  Basically I was creating a representation of what I think herpes would be as a monster and I created it as a mermaid complex with the monster being the scenario and a hidden demon?

Oh the girls bust has two version, one with some pastel colors and the other in sepia.

Still exploring with the scribbles

Added on by Thomas Frobish.
I'm still exploring a bit with the scribble technique and more of a stream of consciousness type exercises.  I find they really seem to help with keeping my mind open.  The characters just kinda came out of nowhere, they're so weird and that is why the scribble technique is so awesome.


Added on by Thomas Frobish.
Ok so I decided to paint the weird thing into more of a "cartoon esque" thing.


Added on by Thomas Frobish.
So I've learned of a pretty neat way to push out or explore really crazy forms and shapes in a fun way.  Basically you start off with a quick scribble without looking at the paper and trying to see a form inside of it.  This is a pretty awesome way to explore new forms for whatever you're designing whether it be an actual product or a cartoon or spaceship.  Basically just turn the form into something.  I've included an already posted picture but it was the same process except I used a figure drawing and saw a face in the form.  I've included the scribble and then 2 other forms that came out of different scribbles.

It seems difficult at first but it's a good way to free your mind.  It breaks you from the repetitious style you would normally create.

Style of Picasso

Added on by Thomas Frobish.

So for Digital Sketchbook, we had to draw a person, a dog, and a bowl of fruit.  I don't if it was supposed to be separate or together but I put them together.  If you can't see the dog and the bowl of fruit you might need to rotate the image.   

Some Digital

Added on by Thomas Frobish.
Here's some of the digital painting's I've been practicing with.  I've been trying a lot of new techniques and finding the fastest ways to explain my ideas and I found that digital really is the fastest and overall cheapest way to get it out there.

Getting Started

Added on by Thomas Frobish.

Hey so as a first post, I'll just post up some older work that I've done to kind of get the blog rolling.