Industrial Designer - Concept Artist

Filtering by Tag: Studies

Knight Sketches to Dave Rapoza's Live Streams

Added on by Thomas Frobish.

I've been learning a lot from Dave Rapoza's livestreams, I like to paint along to them to pick apart his style.  Though these are pretty shitty renditions, I feel I've been growing a lot from each one.  

You can definitely tell which was the first progressing to the latest.   

Sketching the forms directly and literally rubbing the painting into life is such an alien concept to my normal way of drawing but it's such a fun frustrating struggle to build that ability.  It's really pointed out my weaknesses and I think Ive been growing the fastest though these types of studies and style. 


Some Digital

Added on by Thomas Frobish.
Here's some of the digital painting's I've been practicing with.  I've been trying a lot of new techniques and finding the fastest ways to explain my ideas and I found that digital really is the fastest and overall cheapest way to get it out there.