Industrial Designer - Concept Artist


Added on by Thomas Frobish.

Decided to paint incredibly rough.  Just something quick for fun.

I felt like doing something a little more Disney, though didn't actually intend her to look like Elsa from Frozen :P

Elsa+Elf = Elfsa?

MORE WIPS of some work

Added on by Thomas Frobish.

More WIPs of some work.  All of various creepiness and currently in the process of being completed.

Some WIPs

Added on by Thomas Frobish.

Some WIPs from the night and progress on the "Soldiers Assault" piece.

Matte Retouch Practice

Added on by Thomas Frobish.

15 minute matte retouch for a friend.

They took a pretty crappy photo and needed the flash taken out of it.  Seemed like good quick Matte painting practice.