Industrial Designer - Concept Artist

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Before the Joust

Added on by Thomas Frobish.

A study of a knight getting ready for a joust.  I wanted to learn more about reflections in metal and knights armor in general.

I had a lot of fun with this one.

Ms Marvel

Added on by Thomas Frobish.

I did this image during the the Green Light Summit being help by  It was a lot of fun and hearing from the gods of the entertainment industry was so inspirational.  I'm in the middle of completely another one so be ready for another image soon.

I don't think this image needs any introduction.  Ms Marvel flying through the clouds :D


Added on by Thomas Frobish.

I did this painting mostly to improve my skills a lot.  I've been listening to Brad Rigney's talks and they're very inspirational.  While listening to them, I came to a lot of new underswtandings in my process.

The image is also a concept for one of the characters in my story, Abigail Hollison when she becomes imbued with the energy of the "universe"

Portrait Study

Added on by Thomas Frobish.

I had a lot of fun with this painting.  It was one of those where everything went right and smooth.  I've been trying to understand Algenpfleger's methods and I think I have come to a new understanding.

Homo Thugs

Added on by Thomas Frobish.

You know what they say about thugs, the scariest ones are the gay ones cause the've got the most to prove.  

The homo thugs are one of the main gang factions in the Gram Blank series.  They help out the main character Gram and essentially are like the main gang in Saints Row.