Industrial Designer - Concept Artist

Filtering by Tag: illustration

Ms Marvel

Added on by Thomas Frobish.

I did this image during the the Green Light Summit being help by  It was a lot of fun and hearing from the gods of the entertainment industry was so inspirational.  I'm in the middle of completely another one so be ready for another image soon.

I don't think this image needs any introduction.  Ms Marvel flying through the clouds :D


Added on by Thomas Frobish.
Ok so I decided to paint the weird thing into more of a "cartoon esque" thing.

Style of Picasso

Added on by Thomas Frobish.

So for Digital Sketchbook, we had to draw a person, a dog, and a bowl of fruit.  I don't if it was supposed to be separate or together but I put them together.  If you can't see the dog and the bowl of fruit you might need to rotate the image.